Tuesday, March 11, 2014

We have one puppy still looking for his family

All of the puppies have been with their new owners for a week now. I have gotten lots of great feedback about their loving, and playful nature. It's nothing new to me. I spent the first 8 weeks of their lives with them. I fed them and made sure they stayed warm until the wee hours of the night. I loved them all as if I would be keeping them forever. Potty training them is one of the most difficult tasks but is well worth it when I find out how quickly they caught on in their new environment.
Every day that goes by Raider (our lone puppy) gets more and more attached to the kids and they get more attached to him. He is often the first to greet anyone who walks in our door. He is also usually the first one people look for when they visit us. He has the best temperament, he love to just hang out with us. Right now his favorite toys are socks fresh from the wash. He has a hiding spot where he puts his little stash. He's quite the clever little character and he really, really needs a home. Not just any home! He needs a home where he will get the same cuddles, love, play time and interaction that he gets with us.


  1. Hello Monique,

    I am interested in adopting this cute little puppy.
    I sent you an email on your eBay ad but not sure if it got trough to you.
    Please let me know if Raider is still available for adoption. If not when are you planing on having another litter?
    Thank you and I hope I will hear back from you very soon.

    christine_klassen@gmx.de or keeperout@aol.com


    1. Hi Christine! Thank you for your interest. I just sent over an email. Feel free to call me :)
